Recently, the director of the British Museum, Dr. Hartwig Fischer, released a statement of “solidarity” with the Black Lives Matter movement and the calls for justice against unjust laws and institutions, in the USA and around the world.

I have some thoughts on this.

We all know the BM’s long connection with Egyptology, and the fact that a huge part of its collection contains artefacts acquired in questionable & unjust circumstances (e.g Elgin Marbles, Rosetta Stone, Benin Bronzes to name a few). In the recent past, Dr. Fischer’s public statements indicate he is (personally) unwilling to consider repatriation and, in fact, seems somewhat proud of appropriation. He once referred to the removal of the Elgin Marbles as a kind of “creative act.” Which may have some meaning in a post-modern philosophical sense, but is inconsistent with his claim to “stand in solidarity.” Under Fischer’s leadership, the BM Trustees have not, to the best of my knowledge, made any decision that would lead to repatriation of any artefact that was already in its collection. Other museums in the UK have done so, but the BM has not. As a result, Dr. Fischer’s words of “solidarity” seem to lack a background of action. They ring hollow.

On the other hand, I also understand that (for some), this statement WILL be meaningful in a certain sense. As one of the archetypal “British” institutions, this release may encourage some observers to reconsider their views on events in the USA and worldwide. From that perspective, this statement has some value. The key will be following it up, and combating ALL kinds of injustice/violence against BAME peoples; not just physical violence but cultural violence as well. Part of that involves acknowledging unjust acquisitions, and then rectifying them with a genuine move to repatriate artefacts of significant cultural meaning. While such a process carries its own complications and intricacies, there has never been a better time to start than NOW.

MANY people at the BM do amazing work; and I assume Dr. Fischer is sincere with his words. I will also assume that he *intends* to follow them up with some kind of action. However, as the public head / representative of an institution, with genuine power to rectify historical wrongs, his record (at the time of writing this post), suggests this *may* not happen.

I hope I am wrong, but in the meantime I feel obliged to make these points. Like many, I derive benefit from the BM’s resources, and I am grateful for that *privilege.* However, while this conversation is in the forefront of our minds and public discourse, it is important to remember that MANY institutions inflict different kinds of violence on BAME peoples, the economically disadvantaged, and cultural “Others.” We all have an opportunity to be “shaken out” of our routines and habits, and to act in different ways. I hope that Dr. Fischer and the BM Trustees will act, meaningfully, in ways they have not done yet.

This was a hard post to write, as I am keenly aware of my historical silence on this subject. I openly admit to being nervous / timid to publicly state my views, but if I am not willing to engage in ways that may cost me economically or in reputation, then my personal beliefs are as hollow as those I criticize. As such, I am doing something I should have done long ago, and let the results go where they may.

Thank you for reading this long post.

See you on the next episode 

Show 8 Comments


  1. Lora Chittenden

    Thanks for this; I agree.

    However what I worry about are the countries with unrest/war, which opens up the possibility of destruction of that country’s artifacts. Sometimes the safest place for what history has given us is far away, perhaps to be held until stability returns to the artifacts’ country of origin.

    Thank you for the “Ancient Egypt” podcast!

    • Hi Lora, that is a very common argument made by these institutions. However, this should be a choice made by the original country, not the colonial museum. The absolute refusal of the BM to even *consider* repatriation is a major part of the problem I address.

  2. Ra Egyptian

    Wonderful and brave message, Dominic. Thank you for speaking out.

    On Sat, Jun 6, 2020 at 1:24 AM The History of Egypt Podcast wrote:

    > DominicPerry posted: “Recently, the director of the British Museum, Dr. > Hartwig Fischer, released a statement of “solidarity” with the Black Lives > Matter movement and the calls for justice against unjust laws and > institutions, in the USA and around the world. I have some thou” >

  3. Linda

    These are important conversations to have. And like many important conversations happening right now they are going to be difficult and painful and complicated. I don’t expect them to be over any time soon but I am glad to see that they have started.

    I don’t have answers but I am listening.

  4. SB

    Well said Dominic. That took guts and shows a lot of integrity. Thank you for writing that.

    No one can question, your right to take an intellectual stand -you earned it – but to take a moral stand is always a risk, especially in academia. But I am so impressed by your strength in doing the right thing.

    Shining a light on cultural violence as an additional institutionalized aspect of injustice and calling out Dr Fischer to act now, while momentum is on his side, and put his money where his mouth is (as we say in the USA). To repatriate even one significant cultural artifact to its home where it belongs with its people would shake the world. It would introduce a new age a new way of thinking It is would also shake the BM and lord knows it needs it.

    With deep respect from Brooklyn, NY, Sara


    • Thanks Sara, your vocal support is much appreciated.

      Historically I have been loathe to make my views known, for the exact reason you mention. It is a risk, and I have been hesitant to engage with that risk, preferring to keep my own views and the podcast separate. However, I now think that was the wrong decision. I am going to be advocating on this issue moving forward.


  5. James Bowlby

    I am a novelist and my latest is “Jonathan and the Stolen Sarcophagus.” In this narrative the Boston Museum of the Arts makes the decision to repatriate the Sarcophagus of Thutmose I. The fictional reason for repatriation is the building of the GEM. It’s restoration department with the assistance of the Japanese government is the best in the world. Government security can change, ie. Russia, but origin should be a major item in title/proprietary rights.

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